Sunday, October 23, 2011

Night of the living DEAD

Okay so we all want to be THAT parent...the cool one. You know the one with the house that Everyone LOVES to hang out at? So of course when my kids asked me to play night games last night I said YES!! Like any COOL Mom would.....I invited the whole neighborhood to come out and play and that they did. We had about 25+ kids ranging from 7 to 17. We divided into teams and dropped them off over a mile away in the DARK expecting them to get home without being caught. The Mom's drive around trying to spot the teams and if you get spotted you are OUT!! One of the Moms was a little nervous because our 7 year olds were playing and she was worried about them getting lost or left behind. I totally teased her and assured her that all will be well!! Well after about an hour all the teams but one had been found. The missing team that included my cute and super naive 10 year old daughter!!! The very one that had left her cell phone at home!! At first I was calm...but after driving around for 20 minutes yelling that the game was over and to come out with no sign of her...I started to FREAK OUT!! What a horrible parent I was for putting my sweet daughter into the the position of possibly being kidnapped or even worse....murdered. Was this Karma for teasing my friend was definitely coming back to bite me in the butt or what?? After contemplating calling the police...silently praying that she was okay...I finally I got the call that she and her friend had made it back home!! What a relief!! Seriously....I don't know if we will be playing night games ever again!! lol I was so scared!! Why is it that we as Parents are constantly pushing aside what we know is best for our kids just to please them in hopes that they will like us?? Why do we care if they like us anyways?? We are not their friends...we are their parents!! We are supposed to protect them and in return they will love us, right? lol Well time will certainly tell.....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oops I did it again......

Did I ever mention that I was a PTA President?

Well....You know that old saying...."You dug your lie in it!"

I'm imagining that's what all my friends will be saying when they find out that I have agreed to be the PTA President again next year! lol I have a really, really hard time saying NO!! I have a really, really, REALLY hard time saying NO!!

Of course I am afraid....I mean, I'm already a lousy Mom and all, but to add on one more year of stress and chaos.....on top of my already CRAZY and BUSY life. I know.....I am nuts!! On the flip side....I think I will have an AMAZING Board!

So I know its been awhile....and surprisingly my excuse is NOT the PTA. Actually...maybe it is!

Regardless.....I am back and I have GREAT news!!

It's been 14 days since we have ate out!!!! Amazing right? I have cooked every single day!!!

I even bought myself a Crock Pot!!

You can pick your mouth up off the ground now!! lol

Sure I am craving Cafe Rio.......

and Betos, and Kneaders, and Panda Express......

and how I miss my dear friends at Little Caesars!

In case you forgot....we normally eat out atleast 4-5 times a week!

So ofcourse I am sooooooooo proud of this HUGE accomplishment!

As far as my kids....they haven't killed each other yet. So I'd say they are doing good? Not great....considering they still scratch, pinch, fight, yell, slap, and hot each other on a daily basis.

We are working on that......

Well I'm working on getting on Super Nanny! lol

Actually......while its on my mind!!

There is this kid on You Tube Stephen (Look up....user Wafflepwn)

Anyways...his brother has posted some videos of him having the most OFF THE WALL Tantrums!! When I first saw them...right away, I thought...oh that is sooo staged!!! However....I have been noticing my own kids having similar tantrums, so I am starting to wonder...could they be real? Either way..... I am really considering putting my own kids Tantrums on YOU TUBE!! LOL

Okay not really.....

But I do threaten and grab my phone like I am going to start video taping!