Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Meal Planning Sucess....

Well sort of!!

When I woke up yesterday, I knew that the first thing I had to was plan the meals for the rest of the week and go grocery shopping while I had a chance. The problem was that once my kids woke up they would want to come with me.

Its not that I cant handle the kids coming, its just that the littlest one is at the horrible tantrum age,and although I can handle ignoring her (throw yourself on the ground in the middle of the store until you get candy) routine, everyone else in the store can't! What is it about a child screaming bloody murder on the ground that makes everyone glare at you in disgust like your some sort of lousy Mom. Of course you have the ladies that empathize with you and give you words of wisdom, and then there are my favorite ones (mostly little old grouchy ladies) that make fun of the kid by pointing at them and calling them a little brat! lol True story!

Regardless...I was out the door and child free! Unfortunately this meant that I didn't have the time to make a meal plan before I left, so I was going to have to wing it.

I loaded my cart full of the groceries I needed to make a few choice meals and headed for home. I felt confident that this week was going to go well with my cupboards filled with all the new groceries.


I still lack one key factor in meal planning...called execution!!

This is what is going to haunt me if I don't get it together. You see, when I left yesterday to see Jacob Eclipse (The best movie ever), I didn't make anything for the hubby and the kids to eat while I was gone. Shocking huh? Don't get me wrong....I had intentions to slow cook some french dip so that they could eat dinner while I was gone but I just simply ran out of time.

Put down your soon as the movie was over at 7:00 I rushed home quick and once home, I made things right......

Hot Dogs Anyone??? lol

It was quick, it was easy and best of all, it wasn't eating out!!

Tonight will be better! It's 8am and I've already have planned whats for dinner. Of course its Girls night out for me, which means I will be eating Cafe Rio,everyone else however will be enjoying tuna Casserole

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