No school, no piano, no dance.....NO WAY....I'm finding it harder then ever to keep my goal of no fast food!! Even though we have ate out WAY more then I would like to admit this past week, I do have lots of good excuses like... "We've been on vacation!", "It was my Birthday!" or "Eclipse (nuff said)"
Even though I have had my weak moments, I think I have been doing pretty dang good! Of course it helps when you spend half the week roughing it in the wilderness! Sure we had our fair share of Bear Lake Shakes, Old Ephraim Pizzas and Chocolate Covered Raspberries, but there were tin foil dinners, Weenie roasts and S'mores too!! (I assume they count as home cooked!)
I am really excited to continue on my quest! Especially because I received the BEST birthday gift ever.....
I am so excited to try these recipe books out!! They look so simple and are exactly what I need!!
(Thanks Alison!!)
So besides the few times I was told I was hated this week....things were looking pretty good!!
That was until I rushed home from the Lake (on my birthday mind you) to get my kids into the Dr. before the weekend started! We roll into the Dr's office straight from the lake, I run in with my 2 kids that needed to be seen, looking like complete scrounges, dirty feet, Mosquito bites , the awful smell of camp fire protruding form our clothes.
It was so embarrassing, I couldn't help repeating myself to everyone we saw......
"I am soooooo sorry!! We just came straight form Bear Lake, we really meant to stop at home and take showers, but ran into awful traffic"
I seriously said this over, and over and over....
To the secretary, to the nurse, to the Doctor, to the Pharmacist tech at the store, to at least 4 or 5 complete strangers!!
It wasn't till my oldest daughter said "Mom, why do you keep telling strangers that we just came from Bear Lake? Do you really think they care Mom, they're STRANGERS!! " that I stopped! lol
Of course she thought I stopped apologizing over and over again because she made such a great point! The real reason however, was that I was so stunned when I got the grand total from the Pharmacist that I thought I was going to kill over right there and then.
For what???
Some measly eye drops , nose spray and glorified children's Benadryl??
I was about ready to pull the old....
Oh crap, I must have forgot my wallet" and run, routine and just go on letting my kids face look like a swollen red mess.....but realized that it probably wouldnt be the best thing to do, considering my quest to be a better Mom and all!!
So I took a deep breathe and quietly sang Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me, as I swiped my debit card!
Do you know what I could have bought myself for $230.00???? If this act of sacrafice doesnt show how much I love my kids.....I dont know what does!! lol
I heart you.